Friday, February 6, 2009


This is Barney, my dachshund who is so hard to take pictures of. Lauren, not so much

My cat Willie, and my daughter Melissa's cat, Austin. You can see who the ham is. Willie loves his picture taken. I have so many of him. This was without a flash so he would open his eyes.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009


Caught these guys in our bathroom sink. They are brothers but not from the same litter.

I love barns. I'm taking 4 seasons of this one. I have to go back and get the right angle before I print it. We just had that huge snow storm and I wanted to get it with all the snow.

My husband's Mom. She's 80+. I've lost count. Doesn't she look great!

Okay, of course I didn't take this one. Thought I would show off my grandbaby.
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